浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 whole number is 1869, counting from the establishment of the hospital so far history. With the continuous development of the hospital, it has become a well-known tertiary hospital in Zhejiang Province. Especially in recent years, the hospital has won six scientific and technological awards, which is a testament to its strength and commendable technical prowess.
Established in 1947, Zhejiang University Affiliated First Hospital is the research, teaching, and medical guidance center of the province. The total building area of the hospital is 105,000 square meters, and the currently under-construction area reaches 71,000 square meters, making it a large-scale hospital. The outpatient reception volume exceeds 1.1 million people per year, and the number of hospitalized patients reaches 30,000 each year. In addition to conventional medical services, the hospital also provides various characteristic medical services, including the diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis, AIDS research, liver cancer treatment, and more.
Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital is one of the "Top 100 Hospitals in China". Not only does it have a large-scale and well-equipped medical facility, but it also has various advanced medical equipment, including femtosecond laser treatment, linear accelerator, and da Vinci surgical robot. The hospital's management team has been awarded the title of "China's Best Hospital Management Team" and can provide the most professional medical services in the country for patients.
Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, also known as Zhejiang Chinese Medical University Affiliated First Hospital, is a top tertiary hospital that integrates rehabilitation, health care, teaching, medical treatment, and scientific research. It has been awarded honors such as "Zhejiang Province Peaceful Hospital" and "Zhejiang Province Health Advanced Unit."
Zhejiang University School of Medicine affiliated Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital is a JCI certified tertiary hospital in China, and it is also a prominent medical institution funded by the well-known Hong Kong industrialist Sir Run Run Shaw. It has become the provincial center for reproductive minimally invasive technology and general medicine technology. The hospital has an elegant environment and well-equipped hardware facilities, bringing great benefits to patients.
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